
Completed Programs

Period: 2010-2013
Economic Justice

Project Focus: Livestock fairs Market linkages Conservation farming Seed distribution
Location: Zvishavane
Funding Partner: EC, Oxfam, AWDF

Period: 2013
Education Transition Fund

Project Focus: Demand creation Back to School Campaign
Location: Zvishavane, Mberengwa
Funding Partner: Unicef

Period: 2013
Rural WASH

Project Focus: Construction of improved Blair ventilated pit latrines, establishment of health hygiene clubs, rehabilitation of boreholes and deep wells
Location: Zvishavane
Funding Partner: GRM

Period: 2014
Young People We Care

Project Focus: Youth Life skills Development
Location: Zvishavane
Funding Partner: Unicef

Period: 2014-2017
Life Support program: PMTCT initiatives and Maternal New born Child Health

Project Focus: Demand Creation for ANC, loss to follow up activities, Integrated mobile health services, Family planning initiatives
Location: Zvishavane, Mberengwa, Gwanda, Insiza, Mangwe, Matobo, Bulawayo Peri Urban, Bubi, Hopley farm
Funding Partner: Positive Action Children Fund, Southern Africa AIDS Trust (SAT), SAfAIDS

Period: 2015 to 2017
International Community Service

Project Focus: Youth volunteering in Health sector
Location: Zvishavane
Funding Partner: VSO

Period: 2015-2019
SRHR to key populations

Project Focus: Condom Programming, Treatment Literacy, Community referral network, Advocacy
Location: Zvishavane
Funding Partner: Oxfam

Period: 2010-2013
Economic Justice

Project Focus: Livestock fairs Market linkages Conservation farming Seed distribution
Location: Zvishavane
Funding Partner: EC, Oxfam, AWDF